
Firefighter Faith

Firefighter faith in their training and in their Firefighter Brotherhood reminds me of an inspirational quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr every time I hear it.  In his wisdom he knew that you had to be confident and have faith in yourself and what you believe in to forge ahead even when you weren't sure where the next step would lead you.  Firefighters you need to feel the same way.  Take your firefighter training seriously, as though your life or someone else's depends on it.  Because it does.  Believe in your brother firefighters and know they believe in you because firefighting is a team sport.  Lives depend on that.  The community depends on you.

Your brother firefighters are depending on you and having faith that you will give them your all, just as they will give you theirs.

 Firefighter Brotherhood

The only way to be confident and have faith, is knowing you are giving your all every day.
Be trained.  Be Prepared.  Be serious about this job.  

Be A Brother and be sure to give as much as you get, or more - pay it forward.  That's what Firefighter Brotherhood is all about.